Jakarta, MINA – The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko “Jokowi” Widodo spoke about the challenges ahead in navigating ASEAN among the great powers. He emphasized that ASEAN must not be a proxy for any country or party.
“Indonesia’s principle in ASEAN chairmanship is collaboration and cooperation with anyone and we don’t want ASEAN to become anyone’s proxy, any country’s proxy,” the President said in his statement to the media crew at Komodo International Airport, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province on Sunday.
Furthermore, President Jokowi wants ASEAN to remain open and able to work with any country. Thus, every problem can be resolved through a dialogue approach, including the issue of Myanmar which will also be one of the points discussed by ASEAN leaders at the 42nd Summit.
“Yes, specifically will be discussed. However, our reference remains for Myanmar, our reference remains the ‘5 Points of Consensus’, that remains a reference, but it has to be dialogue, not because – in my opinion, sanctions are not a solution,” he stressed.
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President Jokowi also hopes that the conflict in Myanmar can be resolved soon.
There are at least three things that President Jokowi emphasized regarding the issue of Myanmar, starting from stopping violence to encouraging an active role from Myanmar in dialogues.
“First, violence must stop, stop immediately. Second, humanitarian aid must reach the people of Myanmar. Third, dialogue – this is what is important – what we want to be active not only here, but also in Myanmar itself must also be active to play a role in the dialogues that we want to have,” he concluded.
The Indonesian-1 presidential plane carrying President Joko Widodo and Mrs. Iriana Joko Widodo arrived at Komodo International Airport, West Manggarai Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province (NTT) at around 15.30 WITA.
The arrival of the President and Mrs. Iriana was simulated as the reception of ASEAN leaders who will attend the 42nd ASEAN Summit which will be held on 10-11 May 2023 in Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai Regency.
On this occasion, the President was greeted by a line of honor troops and the traditional dance “Arrive Meka”.
In his explanation to the media crew after participating in the welcoming simulation, President Jokowi ensured that the 42nd ASEAN Summit was ready to be held.
According to the President, currently all levels of government are concentrating on holding the ASEAN Summit. In addition, the President also views the active involvement of the people of Labuan Bajo in organizing the ASEAN Summit.
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Furthermore, the President said that holding the ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo was a good opportunity to promote these tourist destinations internationally. (T/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)