Photo: PIC
Photo: PIC

Brussels, 10 Muharram 1436/23 October 2015 (MINA) – European Parliamentarians expressed their concern over the continuation of Israeli aggressive practices against Palestinians and called for isolating Israel and oblige it to stop arbitrary killing.

This followed a symposium held on Wednesday by the Council of Palestinian-European Relations on the current events in the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem. Israeli violations of Palestinians’ human rights were brought to discussion in the symposium, The Palestinian Information Cneter (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The session was attended by a number of European MPs, consultants, political analysts and other personalities concerned with the Palestinian Question.

British MP and chairman of the Friends of Palestine in the European Parliament Keith Taylor, chairman of the Committee on Relations with Palestine in the European Parliament, Martina Anderson, and director of the Council of the European-Palestinian relations Mazen Kaheil delivered speeches at the symposium.

They all stressed on putting pressure on Israel and on exposing its crimes against the Palestinian people.(T/P008/R04)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)