Dozens of Israeli Settlers storm al Aqsa (Photo : Alray)
Dozens of Israeli Settlers storm al Aqsa (Photo : Alray)

Al-Quds, 2 Rajab 1436/21 April 2015 (MINA) – Dozens of Israeli extremist settlers stormed early Sunday Al Aqsa mosque yards from Al Magariba gate amid heavy guard of Israeli police.

Local sources reported that about 33 of extremist settlers broke into Al Aqsa in groups and roamed in its yards, Alray Palestinian Media quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

One of these groups tried to perform Talmudic prayers to provoke Muslims worshipers, but the Palestinian defenders prevented them, sources added.

The Palestinian prayers and guards confronted the Israeli settlers with Takbeers and chants since early morning, as al-Aqsa yards witnessed a heavy presence of Special Forces which centered on the gates and checked the IDs of the citizen.

At the same context, a state of tension prevailed Al Aqsa after the provocative visits of the Israeli settlers.

Extremist Israeli settlers and politicians have lately been violating the sanctity of al-Aqsa Mosque almost on a daily basis and always under the protection of armed occupation forces, which often attack Palestinian worshipers who try to protect their holy site. (T/P002/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)


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