Jerusalem, 8 Rabiul Akhir 1434/ 18 February 2013 (MINA) – Member of the Committee to Defend Silwan, Fakhri Abu Diab told Alresalah that the daily collapses around Silwan Neighborhood, is not a result of heavy rains as Israeli authorities claim, its just a result of the continuous excavations under Al-Aqsa mosque which made by extremist settlers group such as “Elad”.
       The area of Wadi Hilweh witnesses frequent structural collapses during the past four years, according to Alresalah reports monitored by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA), Monday.
       The first signs of structural degradations were noticed in early 2008 on the main street of Wadi Hilweh.
       Only after these collapses began did the Palestinian residents of Silwan Discovered that Israelis were digging a network of tunnels under their homes and streets.
       The residents of  Wadi Hilweh noted that there were several cracks in the walls of their homes and that they heard voices of whose origin they could not identify.
       Since the first collapse, cracks have continued to appear in the homes of residents of Silwan.
       Although much fanfare was made after the collapse of an UNRWA girls school in February 2009 (the only school in Wadi Hilwah) the collapse of many cracks and collapses in homes in Silwan has been ignored.
       UNRWA did not cooperate with Silwani residents who tried to investigate the causes of the collapse in the school.
       According to various media and the views of the population the cause of the collapse in the school are the same Israeli excavations, whose existence the municipality of Jerusalem has denied.(T/P01/E1).

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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