The Hujjatul Islam, Imam Al-Ghazali (1058-1111 AD) explained the prayers of those who are close to Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala. According to Al-Ghazali, if one is praying, one must forget the world and its inhabitants.
“If you pray, forget about the world and its inhabitants. Face Allah Subhanallahu wata’ala as you face Him on the Day of Resurrection,” explained Al-Ghazali quoted from his book entitled “Hidup di Dunia Apa yang Kau Cari?” issue of TuROS page 237.
Then, remember a time when you stood before God without an intermediary between you and Him. He’s facing you. You also whisper to Him and know who you are in front of Him because He is the Supreme King.
One of the Sufis said, “How do you say the first takbir? He replied, “When saying Allahu Akbar, include the feeling of ta’zhim to Allah together with the letter alif, the feeling of reluctance with the letter lam, and the feeling of being watched with the letter ha’. “
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Al-Ghazali also reminded that when saying “Allahu Akbar”, there are people who are immersed in witnessing the majesty. The entire universe is in space the breadth of his chest, like a grain on the expanse of the earth.
Then, he dumped the seed so that he was not afraid of whispers and conscience. The part of the universe that is imagined in the mind becomes like a mustard seed that is thrown away.
“Then how can anxiety suppress this kind of servant? And, Allah knows best,” said Al-Ghazali. (T/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)