Arab FM Emergency Meeting Call for End of Israeli Occupation

photo: Wafa

Cairo, MINA – In an emergency meeting, which was held on Monday, in the Egyptian capital Cairo, the Arab foreign ministers affirmed that peace is a condition for the end of Israeli occupation and the Palestinian issue will always remain the key to the conflict and the basis for peace in the region.

The ministers also welcomed the decision of the State of Palestine to hold general elections, the recent developments in the framework of the efforts made to achieve Palestinian reconciliation, Wafa reported.

The foreign ministers renewed their rejection of any unilateral Israeli projects or steps that violate the rights of Palestinian people and violate international law.

They undermine that the two-state solution that has no alternative and reaffirm the need to adhere to international legitimacy resolutions.

Security Council resolutions calls for an immediate and complete cessation of all settlement activities. Including in East Jerusalem, in particular Security Council Resolution 2334.

They condemned the unilateral Israeli practices that seek to impose a fait accompli on the ground, the continued construction and expansion of settlements, and the appropriation of citizens’ lands and properties, which undermine the chances for a just and lasting peace.

In his speech, the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, affirmed that the two-state solution is the only option to solve the Palestinian issue, stressing that Israeli settlement activity is illegal, and that recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the embassy to it is a legitimate act.

“Our meeting today sends a message to the world that the Arab countries place the Palestinian issue at the top of their priorities,” he said. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)