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Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan: Indonesia Is A Strategic Partner

sajadi - Friday, 24 July 2020 - 20:56 WIB

Friday, 24 July 2020 - 20:56 WIB


Team of Mi’raj News Agency (MINA) had opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Indonesia H. E Jalal Mirzayev at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Jakarta on Tuesday, July 21.

MINA team led by Editor in Chief Ismet Rauf, Senior Editor Widi Kusnadi, Head of Coverage Rana Setiawan, Chief Editor of Arabic Rifa Berliana Arifin, Chief Editor of English Sajadi, International desk journalist Siti Aisyah, and photographer Abdullah.

While Ambassador Mirzayev was accompanied by the Second Secretary of the Embassy, ​​Mr. Emil Ahmadov.

During the meeting, Ambassador Mirzayev explained some issues.

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In the excerpt of this first part of the interview, he explained the historical aspects of the bilateral relations between Indonesia and Azerbaijan and the cooperation that has existed.

MINA: Could you explain the historical aspects of the relations between Indonesia and Azerbaijan and how have the relations between the two countries been established so far and in what fields?

Ambassador Mirzayev: The Republic of lndonesia recognized the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 28, 1991 and diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on September 24, 1992.

The Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established in Jakarta, on February 1,2006 and it was the first Embassy of Azerbaijan opened in Southeast Asia. After four years the Republic of lndonesia established its Embassy in Baku on December 2,2010.

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Azerbaijan and lndonesia enjoy strong and trusted partnership, including mutual political support based on bilateral ties of brotherhood and friendship. Two countries cooperate very actively in international organizations within UN, OlC, NAM and other international organizations. There is good unconditional mutual support tradition between the two countries.

Both countries recognize and support their territorial integrities and sovereignties within their internationally recognized borders. lndonesia strongly supports Azerbaijan’srightful position in Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh issue. Azerbaijan has always supported brother nation of lndonesia with humanitarian assistance when it was experiencing difficult days as a result of
natural disasters.

Wide-ranging bilateral relations between two countries are expanding across many spheres. Both sides promote mutual investment and trade, cooperation in the tourism sector, expansion of educational and cultural relations, and establishment of relations between the regions of Azerbaijan and lndonesia.

Bilateral cooperation in the field of public services is one of the rapidly developing fields between two countries. Azerbaijan is sharing experiences of its own establishment and brand, called the “ASAN Service”, which is a “One Stop Shop” system for all public services under one roof.

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Promotion of cooperation between universities and educational institutions of Azerbaijan and lndonesia is one of the significant areas that is kept in focus and since 2018, Azerbaijan provides scholarships for all higher education levels in its universities for citizens of member countries of the OIC and the Non-Alignment Movement where lndonesia is also member.

Azerbaijan places great importance to the further development of economic cooperation with lndonesia and in this context backs expanding of the legal framework between two countries. Currently 12 documents were signed between the two countries.

The two brotherly countries successfully cooperate in trade area. Since 2012 until 2018 trade turnover between Azerbaijan and lndonesia went over 10 billion USD.

During these years lndonesia was one of top 5 countries which imported crude oil from Azerbaijan.

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Beside crude oil, Azerbaijan exports oil products, bituminous minerals and machinery equipments to be used in oil sector to lndonesia. lndonesia mainly exports palm oil, coffee, textile material to Azerbaijan

MINA: Then, what are your country’s hopes for increasing cooperation in the future?

Ambassador Mirzayev: We hope that the media in Indonesia and my country can work together to exchange information.

We want strong cooperation with the Mi’raj News Agency such as information exchange to meetings that can produce further cooperation. Follow up is needed in this matter so that what we talk about today is not forgotten.

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In addition, information about tourism is also important to follow up. Azerbaijan is one of the religious tourism icons for Muslims and is very suitable for the Umrah program plus Islamic tourism.

Tourism is one of the agenda activities in our mission in Indonesia. We want direct flights from Jakarta to Baku (the capital of Azerbaijan) or at least there is an Umrah program plus tourism to Azerbaijan. (W/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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