Jakarta, MINA – The National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS), the Indonesian Islamic Health Effort Assembly (MUKISI), and Bank Muamalat have collaborated to strengthen sharia financial services in the health sector through a strategic online discussion on Friday.
Acting Director of Halal Product Industry at KNEKS, Putu Rahwidhiyasa, emphasized the importance of implementing DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 107/2016, which mandates sharia hospitals to use sharia financial services. The Chairman of MUKISI, Dr. Masyhudi added that sharia hospital certification covers aspects of service, financial management, and sharia-based accounting.
The President Director of Bank Muamalat, Imam Teguh Saptono, revealed the development of a Shariah Restricted Investment Account (SRIA) based on waqf assets for financing medical equipment that will be endowed as waqf once fully paid.
The discussion also addressed investments in human resources, financing halal logistics for pharmaceuticals, and the establishment of Halal, Safe, and Healthy Culinary Zones (KHAS) in sharia hospitals.
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As a follow-up, the three institutions plan to hold further discussions to strengthen the sharia finance ecosystem in the health sector.[]
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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