Muslim Ummah and Global Leadership

By: Imam Shamsi Ali, President of Nusantara Foundation, New York

This Muslim ummah is destined to take part in leadership and here is why:

First, Muslim is the “wasathan Ummah” or the middle Ummah which contains three basic characteristics:

This Ummah with excellence. People who have advantages and privileges in a positive context.

Ummah  has a strong shoot, namely faith that grows like a healthy and sturdy tree.

Ummah with example which is the essence of leadership. As the Prophet was the “uswah” (leader) for this Ummah.

Second, this Ummah is the “Khaer Ummah” or the best Ummah who has the privilege, capacity, potential, and integrity to lead.

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The current state of the people

Today, the majority of Muslims are followers in almost all aspects of life. Muslims in Muslim-majority countries generally have a minority mentality and are treated like minorities and even minorities dominate.

Muslims in Muslim minority countries are still victims of discrimination to the point of endangering them physically and psychologically.

In general, Muslims are not only followers but they are also victims and prey for those who have interests.

The factor of loss of leadership

First, the weakening of the faith and faith of these Muslims. With weak faith and faith, they feel weak, insecure, and defeated before being attacked by anyone.

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Second, the narrow thinking of Muslims. This Ummah should be a people who have broad insight and mindset. However, these characters actually weaken and as a result they are often dominated by uncontrolled emotions. Therefore, they are easily mandated for the benefit of others.

Third, the weakening of the character of a good and commendable Ummah.

Fourth, the failure of the people to live in congregation so that they are divided.

Fifth, the weakening of the spirit to preach, do good deeds, and prevent bad deeds. No matter how strong the Muslims are, if da’wah, do good deeds, and prevent bad deeds are ignored, in the end, they will bend their knees to their enemies.

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Of course there are many other factors that are not mentioned.

Two sides of leadership

Therefore, if Muslims want to regain leadership, they need to replant all the Characters described above.

Otherwise, this Ummah can only reminisce with the glories of the past. History is also something to be proud of. But failed to restore the glories of history. Wallahu Al-Musta’an wa divine at-tuklaan! (T/ri/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)