A spy to be executed by the security forces of Gaza, Friday (22/8). Photo: Reuters
The spies to be executed by the security forces of Gaza, Friday (22/8). Photo: Reuters

Gaza City, Shawwal 27, 1435/23 August 2014 (MINA) – Palestinian Security authorities in Gaza, Friday morning (22/8) executed at least 18 spies working for Israeli interests, a source said.

Unnamed source said, since the early morning, firing squad executed 18 Israeli spies after the completion of the judicial process and obtained strong evidence.

He said  11 of the spies were executed Friday morning at police headquarters west of Gaza City, while others were executed after the completion of Friday prayers in front of Omari Mosque in Gaza, Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) correspondent reported.

Palestinian fighters announced a new phase in the war against Israeli spies in Gaza, because the fighters assumed the spies, who were leaking secrets to the Israeli occupation regime, have been “Strangling neck” of the Gaza people.

Meanwhile, Hamas spokesman Izzat Risheq condemned Benjamin Netanyahu for linking Hamas with other groups by spreading false information.

“The efforts of Netanyahu and his spokesman Ofir Gendelman for linking Hamas and compare us with other groups is a campaign of fraud and misuse of information that will not be able to fool anyone,” Risheq said in an official statement received MINA, Friday (22/8) time Gaza.

Furthermore, Risheq asserted that Hamas condemned the action of Netanyahu to equate the spies execution with American journalist James Foley who was executed ISIS.

“We strongly condemn and reject how Netanyahu, Gendelman and Israeli media are exploiting the image of the American journalist James Foley who were brutally executed,” said Risheq, “we condemned humility and  the use of this image, which does not respect the sanctity of the dead.”

Risheq stressed Hamas is a national liberation organization that will liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation regime terrorism that has attacked the children and innocent civilians.

Decision Letter court Gaza to Israeli spies. Photo: Shehab
Gaza Court Decision Letter to execute Israeli spies. (Photo: Shehab)

“We reiterated, Hamas is a national liberation movement. Members of Hamas are freedom fighters who seek the liberation of the Palestinian people and the civil rights of the people.

Hamas is facing Israeli terrorism that are attacking our children and innocent Palestinian civilians,” he said.

At the end of a statement, Risheq asserted that goal of the Hamas movement is to gain independence from Israeli occupation.

“Our resistance is fighting for freedom and independence and our main goal is to end the Israeli occupation and terrorism on our land,” he concluded.

How The Israeli Spies Operate in Gaza

Spying is a very dangerous act that resulted in the deaths of many civilians.

One of the fighters who caught the spy explain his story to MINA journalist in Gaza, how they work by providing various information to the Israeli occupiers.

The source explained, he managed to capture at least two spies. It was in the middle of the night one of a spy is under a building and on a call by using the Hebrew language.

Due to the suspicious movement of that spy, Gaza militants apparently followed him and know the person is providing position information of a mosque in Gaza City, with the use of electronic tools that makes Israel knows the coordinates of the mosque that will become target of their attacks.

Shortly after the spy position is away from the mosque, the mosque immediately bombard by Israel with missiles from F-16 fighter that destroyed it. Soon after fighters chase and catch the spy and then turn him over to the security forces.

Shortly after that, the fighters capture another one of his fellow spies in the other position not far from the first spy.

Both of these spy were working in some areas in Gaza City by providing information to the Israelis about the accurate information on the position of the fighters or the homes of the leaders of the resistance movement in Gaza.

Their action is quite dangerous, because many civilian casualties were killed by their actions. The execution, that is carried out by security forces in Gaza in front of the general public, was aimed to provide a deterrent effect against the agency and the citizens of Gaza who could be tempted to become spies.(L/P008/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)