Violent Confrontations between Occupation and Palestinians at Israeli Military Checkpoints

Gaza, MINA – Confrontations erupted between Palestinian civilians and the Israeli occupation forces, at the Qalandia military checkpoint, north of occupied Jerusalem, on Friday evening.

Citizens headed towards the military checkpoint and threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the occupation forces, in protest against their continued arbitrary measures against Palestinians at the checkpoint.

Local sources said that the occupation forces closed the checkpoint in both directions, and prevented citizens and vehicles from passing through it, which caused a traffic jam, MINA’s Contributor in Gaza reported.

On Thursday, activists from Jerusalem called on the people to demonstrate near the Shuafat checkpoint, after Friday prayers, to express their rejection of the arbitrary policies of the occupation against the residents while they were passing through the checkpoint.

They stressed the need to protest against the continuing occupation policies against the people and to refuse to obstruct their freedom of movement to and from the various Palestinian areas.

Shuafat checkpoint is considered a major crossing that obstruct the movement of Palestinians to and from Jerusalem.

The military checkpoints separates about 55,000 residents of Shuafat camp from its southern extension in Jerusalem, which is the center of their economic and educational life.

The restrictive measures of the occupation also cause an imbalance in the daily lives of school and university students, merchants, employees and workers, which turns their abnormal lives into hell.

The occupation forces deliberately obstruct traffic through the checkpoint to the extent that the queue of vehicles sometimes extends up to two kilometers; Because of the slow Israeli searches of the Palestinians.

The checkpoint is constantly witnessing violent confrontations, during which Palestinian youths throw stones and Molotov cocktails at the occupation forces and their military vehicles.

Estimates indicate that there are more than 700 military checkpoints of the occupation that control the movement of Palestinians within the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem. (L-K-G/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)