Turkey Condemn Israeli Plan to Annex Palestinian Territory

Ankara, MINA – Turkey condemn Israel’s plan to annex the large scale Palestinian territory in the West Bank

Ankara warn that such widely criticized policies would lead to more conflict and escalation.

Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said that the Tel Aviv regime must stop the illegal campaign. He then called on the international community to stop the damage done by Israel.

“Israeli occupation and annexation policy is an invitation to more conflict and escalation. Israel must stop illegal activities and the world must stop this modern vandalism,” Kalin said.

“Turkey and all people with a sense of justice will support the Palestinians,” he continued in a statement on his Twitter account, as reported by PressTV on Sunday.

The annexation came as part of the so-called United States (US)’s Deal of the Century, which was announced on January 28. The plan states the formation of a Palestinian state in the form of islands connected by bridges and tunnels.

Palestinian officials say that under the US plan, Israel will annex 30 to 40 percent of the West Bank, including all of East Jerusalem.

Earlier, Jordan’s King Abdullah II warned of Israeli plans to annex the West Bank. King Abdullah said if Israel annexed the West Bank, it would cause a “massive conflict” with Jordan.

“If Israel truly annexes the West Bank in July, it will cause massive conflict with Jordan. Leaders who advocate a one-state solution do not understand what that means,” he said, saying that there would be more chaos and extremism in the region. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)