Malang, MINA – Stunting is still one of the problems faced by Indonesian society. Seeing this phenomenon, a team of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) students innovated in using artificial rice and innovative menus so that the stunting rate could be reduced.
One of the team members, Nisrina Nabila Nasywa, said there were more than 3,601 toddlers in Malang City who indicated stunting. This is what prompted them to develop the Stunting Free Zone with Gen Z innovation.
Broadly speaking, her team uses artificial rice made from natural ingredients. The ingredients in question are flour from local legumes such as cowpea, koro beans, red beans, and others.
“Hopefully, the children’s nutrition can be fulfilled properly,” said the student who is usually called Riri.
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Apart from that, the team also launched innovative menu creation training, especially in the Tlogomas area. The community is taught to make nuggets from tofu to changing vegetables and tempeh. It aims to be an attractive food for children.
The combination of artificial rice and innovative menus is the team’s weapon to reduce stunting. The food eaten becomes more nutritious and nutritionally intact.
The selection of Tlogomas as the location also considers that there has been no similar training so far. Because of that, her team hopes that the knowledge of mothers will increase regarding food and nutrition for their children.
Some of the things Riri and the team have done are conducting surveys from sub-district to sub-district and Posyandu. To date, they have also managed to get 21 partners and 7 Posyandu in the Tlogomas area, Malang City. The team will also recruit competent lecturers to help provide a wealth of new knowledge, including a lecturer in Psychology and Food Technology.
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The student from Bali hopes that the innovation carried out by his team can be a way to reduce stunting rates. According to her, this program will not stop even though it has received recognition through Kemendikbud-ristek funding.
“The team plans to expand this program to other regions and locations,” zhe said in a press statement received by Republika. (T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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