Muslim Judicial Council Chaplaincy Coordinator Maulana Muhammad Azeem Khatib (mina)

Jakarta, 21 Muharram 1437/3 November 2015 (MINA) – South African Muslims have a unique way to support the Palestinians. They do fasting congregation every Thursday, said the Muslim Judicial Council Chaplaincy Coordinator  Maulana Muhammad Azeem Khatib.

“It has been for ten years we do fasting every Thursday, and we will not stop doing this until Al Aqsa free and Palestine got their independent,” he said during a visit to Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) headquarters in Jakarta, Tuesday.

In addition, Muslims in South Africa are routinely conduct fundraising in every Friday for Palestine.

“In Friday sermon, the preachers often deliever Palestinian issue in their speech,” he added.

Recently, some Palestinian figures were invited to South Africa to strengthen relations between Palestinians and Muslim communities there.

On October 21, 2015, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Mishal held a visit to Cape Town and having a series of meeting with leaders, organizations, NGOs, and other institutions that concern to Palestinian issue.

A few months ago, a South African Muslim figure, Professor MW Makalima visited Gaza to to assert his country’s support for the struggle of Palestinians. (L /P008 / RO3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)