Russia, Ukraine Agree to Create a Humanitarian Corridor

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Gomel, MINA – The talks between Russia and Ukraine agreed to create a humanitarian corridor for the evacuation of civilians and the delivery of food and medicine.

“Unfortunately, it’s a shame, we didn’t achieve the results we hoped for. The only thing I can say is that we discussed the humanitarian aspect quite thoroughly because a lot of people were under siege. The situation is dramatic without food, medicine, there will likely be evacuations,” said Mikhail Podolyakkata, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation at a press conference after the second round of negotiations in Belarus’ Brest region on Thursday.

He read what he called an “official communique agreed by both sides,” and added that negotiations would resume in the near future, Anadolu Agency reported.

“The parties have reached an understanding on the joint provision of humanitarian corridors for the evacuation of civilians as well as for the delivery of medicine and food to places where there is heavy fighting with the possibility of temporary ceasefires during evacuation in certain sectors,” he said.

With this aim, communication channels will soon be established and logistical procedures will be established, he said.

“Thank you. I think we will continue to discuss all aspects to reach a ceasefire in the nearest future,” he added.

The Russian-Ukrainian negotiations began on Monday, however, during the first round, the two sides only exchanged demands and outlined their positions. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)