Rally Held to Speak Up for Palestinian Journalists in Israeli Jail

Photo: PIC

Ramallah, MINA – Palestinian journalists and activists rallied on Tuesday in solidarity with their jailed fellows in Israeli lock-ups.

Palestinians took to the street to express their solidarity with Palestinian journalists who are expected to be trialed at the Ofer military court in September and October on charges of incitement, PIC reported.

The protesters lifted the pictures of five Palestinian journalists working for al-Sanabil radio station in al-Khalil, urging the Israeli occupation authorities to urgently unshackle imprisoned Palestinian journalists.

On August 31, 2016, the Israeli occupation authorities closed al-Sanabil radio station and kidnapped five members of its press staff just a few hours after they launched a fundraising campaign in al-Khalil’s town of Dura to reconstruct the homes of the two Palestinian prisoners Mohamed Abdul Majid Abryoush and Raed Muslalma which were demolished by the Israeli forces on allegations of their involvement in anti-occupation attacks.(R/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)