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Problems in India is about Humanitarian Yakhsyallah

sajadi - Thursday, 12 March 2020 - 06:26 WIB

Thursday, 12 March 2020 - 06:26 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – Imaam Jama’ah Muslimin (Hizbullah) Yakhsyallah Mansur on Wednesday said the problems in India were not only seen from religious issues, but also humanitarian issues.

“The problems that exist in India should not only be seen from religious problems (An Sich), but also humanitarian problems. There are oppressed people and victims, all of whom are not only Muslims but also Hindus,” Imaam told reporters after the Press Conference, in Jakarta.

“Islam came as Rahmatan lil Alamin (mercy to the universe) so when he entered India, actually wanted to protect humanity so that Hindus, Muslims could live peacefully as in this country (Indonesia),” said Imaam Yakhsallah.

He further said the problem of India itself became the constitutional task of the Indonesian people, to bring about peace for mankind, so that it should be taken by all Indonesian people.

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“Muslims, actually do not divide especially on their feelings, what Muslims in India should feel is felt by Muslims in Indonesia and it cannot be denied. This is a humanitarian problem, we must help the Indian government to solve this problem, “he said.

He also appealed to avoid actions that were actually counterproductive so as to cause Muslims in India to be increasingly slaughtered by his government and then also the Hindus in Indonesia were affected.

Indian Muslims oppose new laws that guarantee Indian citizenship for non-Muslim religious minorities who have escaped persecution in three neighboring countries, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Opposition activists and politicians have described the law as divisive, discriminatory and against Muslims and the country’s secular constitution.

The clashes that erupted on Sunday, February 23 in the northeastern part of the Indian capital, between pro and anti-citizenship protesters, have been in violent clashes when US President Donald Trump began his first two-day trip to India. (T/RE1)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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