Photo: PIC
A Palestinian young man has managed to evade a roadside kidnap attempt by an armed extremist Jewish settler near Madama town, south of Nablus city. (Photo: PIC)

Nablus, 7 Jumadal Awwal 1436/27 March 2015 (MINA) –  A Palestinian young man has managed to evade a roadside kidnap attempt by an armed extremist Jewish settler near Madama town, south of Nablus city.

A senior municipal official in the town told the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) that an armed settler pointed his gun at 21-year-old Bader al-Qet as he was driving to a poultry farm on the bypass road near Yitzhar settlement in Madama and forced him to pull over his car, Palestinian Information Center (PIC) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

He added that the settler, then, entered the car and tried to force the young driver to move where a passenger bus full of other settlers were waiting, but the latter fought him hand-to-hand and compelled him to leave his vehicle before driving away fast.

Afterwards, the father of the young man reported the incident to the Palestinian liaison office in Nablus.

The farm of al-Qet family in the town had already sustained considerable material damage in an arson attack by settlers. (T/P006/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)