Photo: Ma'an News Agency
The health condition of several Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails is deteriorating.(Photo: Ma’an News Agency)

Ramallah, 15 Rabiul Awwal 1436/6 January 2015 (MINA)– The health condition of several Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails is deteriorating, the Palestinian Authority Department of Prisoner Affairs said Monday (5/1).

A report from the department said that prisoner Fouad Shweiki, 75, suffers from poor eyesight, high blood pressure, and prostate problems, Maan News Agency quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The Israeli prison service has not been providing Shweiki with proper medical treatment, the report said. Shweiki is the oldest Palestinian prisoner currently held in Israeli jails. In 2006, he was sentenced to 20 years in jail.

Another prisoner, 38-year-old Bassel Mizher, suffers from swollen veins and sometimes experiences severe pain that affects his mobility.

Mizher was recently taken for a checkup in the Soroka hospital, the statement said.

Khaled Hassan al-Qadi, 40, suffers from Hepatitis B, a disease he contracted after he was jailed in 2003. He is currently receiving no medical treatment.

Additionally, 37-year-old Zaid Beseisi suffers from a foot injury. He has not received the necessary treatment and is currently unable to bend his leg.

Samer Omar, 38, has an irregular heartbeat and high blood pressure.

The statement added that Ismail Abu Shaduf suffers from severe pains in the hands and feet caused by clogged arteries.

Health conditions in al-Ramla hospital

In a separate statement, the department said that the health conditions of some prisoners being held in al-Ramla hospital were deteriorating.

It said 16 Palestinian prisoners at the hospital were being treated inhumanely. The 16 prisoners need continuous medical care and the hospital administration is not responding appropriately to their needs, the statement said.

They were identified as Mansour Muwqada, Salah al-Titi, Khaled al-Shawish, Nahed al-Aqra, Mutaz Obeido, Riayd al-Omour, Ashraf Abu al-Huda, Adnan Muhsen, Youssef Nawajaa, Iyad Radwan, Abd al-Qader Jaafar, Muhammad Ikhleil, Maher al-Hashlamon, Jamal Shakamneh, Amir Asaad, and Jaafar Awad.

Around 7,000 Palestinians are currently being held in Israeli prisons, more than 2,000 of whom were arrested by Israeli forces last summer amid heavy tensions and violence in the West Bank and Gaza. (T/P010/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)