Jakarta, MINA – Leader of the Astronomical Observation Center (POF) Najmu Idzharul said that astronomy is very important for the Muslim community to know because it is a reference in determining the hijriyah calendar as a reference for worship.
Why is astronomy so important to learn?Because it is needed to determine the beginning and end of the Qamariah month in the Hijri calendar,” said Najmu in the launching “Mimbar Al Jamaah” book by Imaam Yakhsyallah Mansur at the Hizbullah Mosque, Jakarta on Wednesday.
Najmu said, Astrology helps to do rukyatul hilal to know the position of the moon, with proper and accurate calculations and planning.
“One of the goals of studying astronomy is to know the circulation of celestial bodies, especially the sun and moon in the universe and how the process of creating the heavens and the earth,” he added.
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Najmu also said that the science of astronomy is also used to determine prayer times. The sources of Falak knowledge are from the Al-Quran, Hadith of Rasulullah shalallahu alaihi wasallam and contemporary and salaf fiqh.
Imam Yakhsyallah Mansur launched “Mimbar Al Jamaah” Book to coincide with the new year 1 Muharram 1445 Hijriyah. The book is his 18th work, published by MINA.
Gebyar 1 Muharram at the North Jakarta Hizbullah Mosque was attended by Muslims from various the Greater Jakarta areas. (T/RE1/P2)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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