Jewish Invasion in Al-Aqsa Increases Despite Closure

Jerusalem, MINA – A report by the Jerusalem Study Center for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs shows the number of Jewish settlers who stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque complex during March increased, although there is a closure “preventing the spread of coronavirus.”

The Study Center said the number of settlers who invaded Al-Aqsa during March reached 1,604 settlers, including elements of Israeli occupation security party. Thus quoted from Al-Quds Net on Saturday, April 4.

He pointed out the number of settlers who stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque reached 1,423 people, in addition to 98 students and 83 occupying intelligence.

The Study Center said among the intruders was extremist Rabbi Judah Glick.

Meanwhile, the number of intruders increased during the “Purim” holiday period, the frequency of attacks coincided with the opening of the poll for the Israeli parliamentary Knesset.

Israeli Occupying Forces closes a number of Al-Aqsa gates, under the pretext of “preventing the spread of coronavirus”, and opens only three gates namely Hatta, Majlis and Genealogy.

For this reason, despite the closing period, the Waqf Board in Jerusalem continues to hold congregational prayers, including Friday prayers, for preachers, administrators, employees and Al-Aqsa guards. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)