Israeli Legislator Proposes Bill to Annex Palestinian Land

A Palestinian woman weeps her destroyed house by Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank town of Hebron on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 (EPA)

Tel Aviv, MINA – Israel’s new Likud MP Michal Shir has proposed a bill to annex Jewish settlements in West Bank and Jordan Valley.

Shir said his proposed the bill from a humanitarian aspect, noting that settlers suffered discrimination because they lived or worked outside the borders of Israeli sovereignty.

“Israeli labor law that guarantees workers’ rights does not apply to these settlers,” he said Asharq Al Awsat from Sindonews on Friday.

Meanwhile, settler leaders welcomed the idea and praised it.

Sovereignty Movement, which was set up to try to annex all West Bank regions to Israel, said that Shir is a member of parliament who is committed to the great principles of State of Israel and a model for young people who are willing to reach history of Zionist dream mission.

The group also asked all right-wing MPs to vote in favor of the bill after it was submitted to parliamentary debate.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously announced that he would handle this issue as the main objective in the agenda of his new government.

It is known that illegal settlers have practiced annexation by attacking Palestinians when they work on their land or sleep in their homes and sabotage their crops.

A series of attacks were recorded on Wednesday. Settlers attacked a Palestinian family Radi Abu Aysha in the Tel Rumeida neighborhood of Hebron and destroyed fence around his house.

These settlers have enjoyed the protection of Israeli soldiers and have also cut iron fence pillars to prevent rebuilding.

They arrested Abu Aysha (74) at a military checkpoint and only released him after the intervention of Palestinian Civil Affairs.

Dozens of settlers stormed town of Kafal Haris, north of Salfit, on Wednesday. They performed Talmudic rituals in the historic area of ​​Makamat under the protection of the great security of Israeli occupation forces.

Palestinians said a group of settlers stormed the city following the deployment of large occupation forces in its neighborhood. They closed the city entrance and set up a military checkpoint.

The occupation forces prevented population from moving in the area by reason of securing settlers who arrived by bus to perform Talmudic rituals in three religious shrines in the city. (T/S/R04)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)