Israeli soldiers arrest Palestinian youths during a protest held in support to the Palestinian prisoners in north of the West Bank city of Jenin. (AP file photo)
Israeli soldiers arrest Palestinian youths during a protest held in support to the Palestinian prisoners in north of the West Bank city of Jenin. (Press TV/AP file photo)

Gaza, 11 Jumadil Awwal 1436/2 March 2015 (MINA) – Israeli forces have detained 285 Palestinians in February, shows a new report by a Gaza-based organization.

According to the report published by Hussam Association of Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners on Monday, 30 children aged under 18 were among the total 285 arrested last month.

The majority of the detainees were held for hours or days before their release, the report added. Press TV quoted By Mi’raj Isalmic News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

The southern city of al-Khalil (Hebron) in the occupied West Bank saw the highest number of youths detained with 72, followed by al-Quds (Jerusalem) and Ramallah recording 56 and 32 arrests respectively.

According to reports, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners are held in Israeli prisons for a long time without trial while they are not even provided with their basic needs, including visiting family members.

Palestinian human rights groups say the number of Palestinians in Israeli administrative detention has reached the highest level since 2008.

Administrative detention is a sort of imprisonment without trial or charge that allows Israel to incarcerate Palestinians for up to six months. The detention order can be renewed for indefinite periods of time. (T/P007/P3)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)