Israeli Commander: It Is Impossible To Deter Hamas (Photo : Middle East Monitor)
Israeli Commander: It Is Impossible To Deter Hamas (Photo : Middle East Monitor)

Gaza City, 14 Rabi’ul Awwal 1435/5 January 2015 (MINA) – A senior Israeli military commander has questioned the possibility of deterring the Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip, saying that talking about discouraging Hamas is nothing more than an act of bravado.

The remarks, which came from the Gaza Division commander Brigadier General in the Israeli army Itay Virov, were made after Israelis living along the Gaza-border protested against the evacuation of military posts in the settlements that are not adjacent to the border fence.

The newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth’s website quoted Virov speaking during a closed meeting with the residents. Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA) as reporting, Monday.

According to the newspaper, Virov expressed doubts about the possibility of deterring the Palestinians in Gaza

Saying, “They do not have many alternatives other than war. We better not deter Hamas. Those who live in Gaza do not despair of war and have no alternatives other than war.”

Yesterday, Israel evacuated its military posts and soldiers from the settlements that are not adjacent to the border fence despite opposition and protests from the residents.

It also increased the number of soldiers in the three settlements that are near the border vicinity.

Residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the step taken by the General Command, adding that it affects their security. (T/P002/R03)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)