Ramallah, 27 Muharram 1434/11 December 2012 (MINA) – Dozens of Israeli soldiers invaded Ramallah on Tuesday morning and broke into several non-governmental organization offices and confiscated computers, press reports said.

    Israeli soldiers broke into the office of Unity Women in refugee camps Qaddoura, Support Office of Ad-Dameer Prisoners, Human Rights Association, and the headquarters of Network Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) Palestine, and damaged several items, according to Ma’an.

    The troops also seized several computers, laptops and documents belonging to the NGOs.

    Mi’raj News Agency (MINA) Correspondent in Gaza has not received further confirmation as telephone connection to the Director-General of Palestine Women’s Ministry office, Randa N. Sousou, was disconnected.
    According to the International Midle East Media Center (IMEMC) clashes also occurred in the refugee camp, where dozens of local youths throw stones at Israeli soldiers who attacked them with gas bombs and rubber-coated metal bullets.
    Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, condemned and described the attack as an act of piracy.
    Dr. Barghouthi added that Israel escalating their attacks against the Palestinian people, and the institutions of the civil society.
    Barghouthi said the attack was a violation that should be condemned by the international community and human rights groups, adding Israel must be held responsible for the violations and crimes, as well as face international sanctions. (T/R-010/E-03)

Mi’raj News Agency

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