Israel Forces Palestinian to Destroy Own House

Jerusalem, MINA – The Israeli Occupation Authority (IOA) on Saturday forced a Palestinian and his son to tear down their own house in Jerusalem under the pretext of unauthorized construction.

“The destruction caused the displacement of two families, including his wife and children,” the Palestine Information Center reported.

According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, the Israeli city government forced Mohamed Abu Turki and his son to bring down their homes in the Jabel Mukaber district, east Jerusalem.

The report explains, the houseowner have received many financial penalties since they built their home years ago on the pretext of not having a construction permit.

“We will pitch a tent at my home location and we will not allow the occupation to do its plots and expel us from our own land,” Abu Turki said.

IOA has always threatened to expose Palestinian homeowners to very high demolition fees and fines for demolition, forcing them to knock down or move their homes. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)