Islamic NGO to Submit Memorandum to Rulers Council Next Month

Putrajaya, 15 Sya’ban 1437/22 May 2016 (MINA) – A memorandum concerning solidarity and development of Muslims in the region will be submitted to the Council of Rulers next month, according to Pertubuhan Tarekat Muktabar Malaysia (Pertama) secretary-general Sheikh Abdul Kareem Said Khadaied.

He said the memorandum was a result of discussions held with six Islamic non-governmental organisations (NGOs) from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia who wanted to see the true Islamic teachings and practices be promoted in the region.

“The memorandum is expected to be signed at the Muzakarah Ulama Nusantara, which is attended by 60 Islamic scholars in the region, including representatives from Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim), tonight,” he told a press conference here Sunday, Bernma reported, as quoted by Mi’raj islamic News Agency (MINA).

He said the submission of the memorandum to the Council of Rulers was appropriate due to the role of Malay Rulers as Head of Islam in the country and in their respective states.

The memorandum would also be submitted to the Islamic affairs authorities in Brunei, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia, he added. (T/R07/R01)

Mi’raj islamic News Agency (MINA)