Jakarta, MINA – The National Library of Indonesia Press will publish a book entitled “Recover Together, Recover Stronger : Optimistic Ideas from Indonesia for World Awakening Post Covid-19 Pandemic (Pulih Bersama Bangkit Perkasa: Gagasan Optimis dari Indonesia untuk Kebangkitan Dunia Pasca Pandemi Covid-19)[c] ” initiated by Rumah Produktif Indonesia (RPI).
“The National Library of Indonesia welcomes the RPI’s initiative to publish this book for the success of the G20,” wrote Head of the National Library of Indonesia M. Syarif Bando in his opening in the book.
In his opinion, Indonesia could show its role in solving various global issues.
Meanwhile, the Chief Editor of the National Library of Indonesia, Edi Wiyono said the National Library is committing to publish written works so Indonesian writers can publish their works.
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“Until now, the National Library Press has published hundreds of written works with various genres,” added Edi Wiyono.
The G20 book is a continuation of the collaboration between the RPI and the National Library of Indonesia Press.
“Previously, we have published the book entitled Sehimpun Mutiara Literasi Indonesia through the National Library of Indonesia, and then we will publish a book to make G20 a success,” said Yanuardi Syukur, the initiator and editor of the book.
Yanuardi said, after the National Library of Indonesia Press and RPI agreed to cooperate, he made a writing guide and invited many people to participate in expressing their ideas.
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“At first, there were more than 300 interested participants, but only 150 people sent their works,” he added.
The book was edited by Yanuardi Syukur, Lecturer of IAIN Kudus Anisah Setyaningrum and Head of Business Development Division of the Ministry of SOEs Sitta Rosdaniah and the result of the collaboration is four volumes of bilingual books, Indonesian, and English.
Book 1 contains 2 chapters. Chapter 1 entitles “Kerja sama Internasional: Diplomasi Tangan di Atas Indonesia dalam Menciptakan Perdamaian Dunia, Meningkatkan Harkat Kemanusiaan dan Menjadi Perantara Terciptanya Ketahanan Global” and Chapter 2 entitles “Transformasi Digital: Literasi, Keamanan, dan Produktivitas di Zaman Baru.” This book was written by Ambassador Bunyan Saptomo et al.[d]
Book 2 contains 3 chapters, i.e “Ekosistem Semesta: Memuliakan Bumi, Mengantisipasi Perubahan Iklim dan Membangun Infrastruktur Berkelanjutan Ramah Lingkungan”, “Kesehatan Global: Mengatasi Kekurangan Gizi, Masalah Mental dan Target Ketercapaian Vaksinasi Covid-19”, serta “Sumber Daya Manusia dan Kepemudaan: Menyiapkan Manusia Unggul Kolaboratif dan Anti-Korupsi dalam Memasuki Dunia Kerja.” This book was written by a Sociologist Dr. Herman Oesman et al.
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Book 3 contains 3 chapters, i.e “Kebudayaan: Globalisasi Pancasila Membangun Peradaban Dunia Berkelanjutan”, “Moderasi: Mengarusutamakan Pemikiran Pertengahan Sejak Dini sebagai Tonggak Kolaborasi Membangun Dunia yang Damai”, and “Pemberdayaan Perempuan: Meningkatkan Kapasitas, Menghapus Kekerasan Seksual dan Menciptakan Pemimpin Perempuan.” This book was written by Dr. Aan Rukmana et al.
Book 4 contains 2 chapters, i,e “Ekonomi dan Pariwisata: Membangkitkan dan Memulihkan Ekonomi Indonesia dan Dunia” and “Pendidikan: Menyiapkan Generasi Emas Indonesia Berkapasitas Global untuk Berkontribusi dalam Pembangunan Dunia.” This book was written by Guntur Subagja Mahardika et al.
In Yanuardi Syukur’s opinion, those books are the contribution of Indonesian civilians to settle issues existing in the global community.
“Since the first G20 summit in 2008 until 2021, we have not received the idea of host country’s civilians,” said Yanuardi.
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He hopes the next G20 Presidency will also be supported by ideas from the host country’s civilians so the existing problems are not only thought about and implemented by the government but also would be even better if it started from the community.
The ideas in this book not only focus on three priority issues of the G20 Indonesia, but also issues in Indonesia such as moderation, ecosystems, youth, and women’s leadership.
“Hopefully, this book can strengthen the collaboration of ideas from Indonesian civilians and can be solutions for issues discussed in the e Indonesian G20 Presidency,” he added.
In addition, the ideas in this book will also be disseminated at the International Conference on Indonesia and Global Affairs (ICIGA) held by Rumah Produktif Indonesia from September to December 2022. (T/ri/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)