Indonesia Strongly Condemns the Killing of Palestinian Demonstrators by Israeli Soldiers

Jakarta, MINA – The Government and people of Indonesia are saddened and expressed their deepest condolences for the killing of Palestinian civilians, including children demonstrating in various areas of the Gaza border.

Indonesia strongly condemns the excessive use of force and shootings carried out by the Israeli army to Palestinian civilians, according to a written statement by the Foreign Ministry quoted by MINA on Wednesday (16/5).

In its statement, Indonesia asked the UN Security Council to immediately convene to take steps and conduct an independent international investigation, so that all perpetrators are held responsible for the violence against the Palestinians.

“Indonesia calls on the international community to continue to fight for justice, independence and the sovereignty of the Palestie,” the caption read.

Reportedly earlier, at least 61 people were killed on Monday (14/5) and more than 2,400 people were injured after Israeli troops fired on tens of thousands of Palestinians protesting the transfer of the US Embassy to Jerusalem..(LT/R04/RS5)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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