Hamas in Gaza Announces Egyptian-Brokered Ceasefire with Israel



Gaza, MINA — Hamas, the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip agreed to an Egyptian-brokered ceasefire with Israel on Tuesday, following two days of Israeli shelling of the Strip, WAFA reported, citing sources.

Hamas agreed to a ceasefire with Israel following intensive efforts exerted by the Egyptian side.

The ceasefire agreement came following two days of continued Israeli military aggression against Gaza, which left at least 14 people killed and dozens others injured, and caused the destruction of around 80 buildings, including governmental and residential buildings, media institutions, and agricultural lands across the Strip.

Israel closed Erez/Beit Hanoun crossing with Gaza, preventing anyone, including humanitarian cases, from crossing. They also barred fishermen from fishing in the sea.T.R. . (Tj/RS5/RS1)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)