Rafah, 5 Sha’ban 1434/15 June 2013 (MINA) – A delegation of Hamas movement figures headed by MP Salah Bardawil accompanied by seven members left Gaza via Rafh crossing to Cairo on Thursday.
The delegation left Gaza heading to Cairo to discuss the implementation of the national reconciliation, Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported as monitored by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA).
Two other Hamas delegations left to Cairo led by the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Abdul Salam Siam and Director General of border crossings Maher Abu Sabha.
Since its revolution in 2011, Egypt has made great efforts in order to achieve the national reconciliation and to end the Palestinian division since 2007.
Early June, the leaders of Hamas and Fatah continued the reconciliation meeting in Gaza City, showing their seriousness, to discuss a number of points especially the formation of a Palestinian unity government.
Dr. Nabil Shaath and Faisal Abu Shahla, Palestinian legislators, as representatives of Fatah held a meeting with Imad Al-Alamy and Ghazi, the official representatives of Hamas. in the Gaza Strip since Tuesday (4/6).
Abu Shahla said the meeting focused on the seeking of solutions to obstacles that hinder the formation of a Palestinian unity government which is scheduled on 14 July, IMEMC reported.
Fatah and Hamas signed a reconciliation agreement in Cairo in 2011, contained the efforts to establish an independent government to pave the way for a parliamentary and presidential elections within 12 months.
Along with Turkey and Qatar, Egypt also brokered ceasefire talks after an eight-day Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip in November 2012.
Subsequently, at a meeting in Cairo, 28 November 2012, both parties approved the signing of a truce with Israel. In truce, Palestinian demands the opening of Rafah border crossing and also the opening of a full blockade of Gaza Strip.
In December 2012, after the signing of the ceasefire, Hamas and Fatah leaders continued the reconciliation talks that stalled for more than a year.
According to many observers, the reconciliation between the Palestinian factions is a way out for the acceleration of Palestinians independence that now still in Israeli occupation since 1948. (T/P03/E1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)