Hamas Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Sri Lanka

Gaza, MINA – Palestinian Islamic resistance movement, Hamas strongly condemns terrorist attacks targeting civilians and places of worship and tourists in Sri Lanka.

According to Palinfo, In a press conference on Sunday afternoon, Hamas considered this irresponsible brutal attack a crime against humanity and the world as a whole.

Hamas and Palestinian people expressed their condolences to the families of victims and all people of Sri Lanka, and expressed their full empathy for them.

“Our hearts are filled with sadness, and pray for healing for the wounded,” Hamas said

About 290 people were killed, and 500 injured, as a result of the 8 explosions that rocked Sri Lanka located in South Asia on Sunday, targeting a number of churches and hotels.

Sri Lankan government immediately imposed a curfew, and blocked the main social networking sites and correspondence services.

Hamas condemned all forms of terrorism targeting civilians, after earlier cases of terrorist attacks in New Zealand targeting the mosque. Terrorism by groups and countries including Israeli occupation of Palestine is an enemy of humanity that must be fought. (T/Sj/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)