Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World



Four Signs of the Victory of Taufan Al-Aqsa

sajadi - Monday, 4 November 2024 - 07:15 WIB

Monday, 4 November 2024 - 07:15 WIB


Bekasi, MINA – Head of the Al-Quds Cultural Center, Sheikh Khalid Banat emphasized the “Four signs of the victory of Thufanul Aqsa,” at Baitul Maqdis in Bekasi, West Java on Sunday.

Sheikh Khalid Banat conveyed the signs of Thufanul Aqsa, namely the first symbol of pride of Palestinians in the past and present is different.

“The pride of Palestinians in the past was if they had wealth, gardens and children to fight for the Al-Aqsa Mosque, while now what makes them proud is how many martyrs are in the House,” said Sheikh Khalid Banat.

Second, in the 80s there were only 5 people looking for Hafidz Qur’an, after the Gaza war, every House has a Hafidz Qur’an.

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“In Palestine, it was not easy to find a Hafidz of the Qur’an, but the situation began to change after Gaza experienced a major conflict, finding a hafidz of the Qur’an was very easy, even almost every house in the remote areas of Palestine is a hafidz of the Qur’an,” he said.

He continued, the third is about Human Rights.

“The world has now begun to open its eyes that what Israel is doing is a violation of human rights, even many countries, organizations and human rights activists have begun to pay attention to the suffering of the Palestinian people,” he said.

Fourth, Muslims have begun to unite to fight for Palestine with the Qur’an.

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“Muslims in various corners of the world are increasingly strengthening their unity by making the Qur’an a source of strength and inspiration for struggle,” he added.

Dauroh Baitul Maqdis was attended by 25 participants from Jabodetabek, Jakarta, Bogor, Bekasi and Lampung consisting of students, entrepreneurs, teachers and housewives, even the oldest participant was an 84-year-old mother.

Other speakers at the Dauroh Baitul Maqdis included: Ustaz Ali Farkhan Tsani (International Al-Quds Ambassador, Alumni of Mu’assasah Al-Quds Ad-Dauliyah Yemen) and Ir. Nur Ikhwan Abadi (volunteer and engineer for the construction of the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza). (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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