Peace in Palestine = Peace in the World




Admin - Tuesday, 25 November 2014 - 05:14 WIB

Tuesday, 25 November 2014 - 05:14 WIB

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The blood of Israelis killed by Palestinians is on Netanyahu's hands. (Photo:
The blood of Israelis killed by Palestinians is on Netanyahu's hands. (Photo:

The blood of Israelis killed by Palestinians is on Netanyahu’s hands. (Photo:

The blood of Israelis killed by Palestinians is on Netanyahu’s hands

by Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem*

When four Israelis were recently killed by two Palestinian assailants inside a synagogue in Jerusalem, Israeli officials and spokespersons seized on the hasbara opportunity to malign the Palestinians and discredit their enduring struggle for freedom and statehood.

Ranting and raving like mad dogs, Zionist leaders easily ignored the context in which the synagogue incident took place.

They overlooked the cardinal fact that Palestinian resistance to Israel’s Nazi-like repression is an inevitable outcome of Israel’s indisputably criminal policy toward the tormented Palestinians.

This is not going to be hard to fathom if one decides to be honest.

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Listening to some remarks by Netanyahu and his colleagues, one would get the impression that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict began with the tragic incident three or four days ago, and that the attack itself came out of the blue as the proverbial slate had been thoroughly clean ever before.

But the attack didn’t come out of the blue and the conflict actually started many decades ago, with the usurpation of Palestine by Zionist Jews and the expulsion of its native Muslim and Christian inhabitants from their ancestral homeland.

The Palestinians didn’t invade Jewish localities in Russia, Poland, and Eastern Europe. It was the Khazari Jews, with active support and backing from the West, who invaded Palestine, massacred its people, destroyed their homes, and then dispersed them to the four winds. All of this occurred on the account that some Jews lived in Palestine more than 4000 years ago!!!!

The world must not forget the bloody history of Israel, and in case it did, the Palestinians won’t.

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Therefore, it is necessary to exercise some modicum of honesty in order not to be misled or bamboozled by Zionist mendacity.

The latest incident in West Jerusalem, a minor incident in comparison to Israel’s unrelenting atrocities against our people, came on the heels of a genocidal onslaught by the Jewish state on the Gaza Strip in summer 2014.

Israel effectively destroyed Gaza, murdering and maiming untold numbers of civilians. Gaza, more or less, became the Dresden of Palestine. And the whole world looked on rather passively as if the killing-field and the shockingly pornographic destruction of life and property were occurring on a distant galaxy.

The Palestinian attackers in West Jerusalem synagogue killed four or five Jews. But this can never be compared with the dropping from high altitude of one-ton bombs on apartment buildings packed with terrified men, women and children, whose only “crime” is the fact that they didn’t belong to the “holy tribe.”

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Yes the death of four Israeli Jews in a synagogue may be viewed as an unacceptable form of violence or terror. But is the intentional and systematic extermination of an entire people an expression of altruism and self-abnegation on Israel’s part?

Israel stole our country, massacred our people and destroyed our homes, and is now calling us terrorists. In fact, Israel is fornicating with language as well as truth. Israel started this conflict, it has only herself to blame.

The PLO did recognize Israel more than two decades ago. However, instead of reciprocating this recognition by recognizing a Palestinian state along the 1967-borders, Israel embarked on an intensive drive of settlement-building which has now made the establishment of a viable Palestinian state worthy of the name a distant if not an impossible prospect.

At the same time, Israel is refusing to grant the estimated 5.5 million Palestinians west of the River Jordan equal rights as citizens of a unitary democratic state lest Israel lose its Jewish identity.

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So what are the Palestinians supposed to do under these circumstances?

Israel, even without saying so openly, wants us to leave for good under the pressure of Jewish racism and repression.

But we won’t leave. We either continue to live here as free men and women or die here. But if we have to die, as is often the case, we will take some Israelis with us.

We are victims of Jewish terror

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Israel is morally unfit to accuse its victims of terror. Israel invented terror in the Middle East. I challenge every honest person under the sun to mention a single Israeli leader who doesn’t or didn’t have innocent blood on his hands. Ben Gurion? Golda Meir? Menachem Begin? Ariel Sharon? Shimon Peres? Let us be honest. Israel was borne and baptized in terror and murder.

Moreover, Israel is responsible, first and foremost, for pushing young Palestinians to embark on such desperate violence. Israeli oppression of Palestinians, which transcends reality, simply makes Palestinian violence inevitable.

To be sure, Palestinians are not eager to kill and get killed. But Israel which has been maintaining a draconian repressive military regime against the Palestinian people since 1967 is effectively offering our people either of two choices: Either dying quietly at the Israeli slaughter house or killing and getting killed in Israeli towns, streets and synagogues.

The Palestinians won’t surrender in the face of the Israeli repression machine. We would rather die a violent death than surrender. Israel, USA, and Arab regimes must understand this fact, the sooner the better.

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Expect a Srebrenica-like massacre in Palestine anytime.

Expect a Srebrenica-like massacre in Palestine anytime.

Expect a Srebrenica-like massacre in Palestine anytime

Encouraged by the Israeli government acquiescence, millenarian Jewish settlers in the West Bank seem to miss no chance to emulate “Hitler youth,” the para-military Nazi gangs that murdered, terrorized Jews prior and during the Second World War.

“Hitler Youth” carried out some of the most outrageous acts of mass terror against Jews throughout Germany and Austria prior to the outbreak of the World War II.

During their rampages, they murdered people, vandalized property and torched businesses. They took an active part in Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass” on 9-10 November, 1938, burning down numerous synagogues.

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According to historical sources, the pretext for the attacks was the assassination of the German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan, a German-born Polish Jew living in Paris.

Kristallnacht was followed by additional economic and political persecution of Jews, and is viewed by some historians as part of Nazi Germany’s broader racial policy, and the beginning of the holocaust.


Today, more or less the same scene is being replayed by the Nazi-like Jewish settlers in full collusion and coordination with the Israeli government and security forces.

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The settlers play the role of Hitler Youths and other Nazi paramilitary gangs while the Israeli security forces play the role of Gestapo and SS.

I know there are differences between the two cases. However, one must be faithful to one’s rectitude, which compels us to recognize the immense similarities.

In both cases, we are talking about a nefarious racist ideology (Aryan Supremacy -the Master Race) in the German case, and (Jewish supremacy or chosen people) in Israel’s case.

Indeed, when subjecting the two movements to cool examination and analysis, the two terror groups (Jewish settlers and Hitler Youth) look as two sides of the same coin, notwithstanding some secondary differences.

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Most of the Jewish settlers now marauding through the West Bank and Jerusalem are graduates or students at Talmudic schools known as Yeshivot. They are thoroughly indoctrinated in the Talmudic ideology which views non-Jews as virtual animals. This means that the life of any goy (non-Jew) has absolutely no sanctity. This is far worse than the Nazi concept of the lower classes or Untermenschen.

On 13 July, 2014, Jewish settlers kidnapped and burned alive a Palestinian child, after pumping gasoline into his body. Typically, when hair-raising incidents like this occur, the perpetrators often blame Torah sages and Talmud teachers in their communities for okaying the hideous crime.

I don’t know why the settlers chose this particular gruesome method to end the innocent child’s life. Did they want to vicariously punish the Nazis, on the ground that all goyem are the same, irrespective whether they are Germans, or Palestinians or Chinese?

What was even more outrageous was the behavior of the Israeli government. The Israeli security officials spread disinformation alleging that Abu Khdeir was murdered by his own family.

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Indeed, only when there was no room for denying the obvious did Israeli leaders admit the occurrence of the crime. The reluctant admission was not due to concern about the monstrosity of the crime, it was rather imputed to concerns about the public relation damage that Israel would incur as a result of the crime.

The settlers’ terror against the Palestinian people occurs with the knowledge, acquiescence and direct or indirect encouragement of the Israeli government. Claiming otherwise would be like committing an act of lewdness with truth.

In fact, it is well known that some Israeli security officers often teach settlers how to conceal evidence of murder just as the Israeli justice system easily exonerates Jewish murder suspects accused of murdering Palestinians. A few weeks ago, I asked a Jewish lawyer from Haifa to explain the chances of a Palestinian receiving true justice in a Jewish court.

The lawyer, a lady, told me this: “No non-Jew can hope for true justice in a Jewish court, period.”

Jewish settlers and their supporters from within the army and Shin Bet security agency have burnt and vandalized dozens of mosques in the West Bank. However, so far, not a single perpetrator has been apprehended let alone punished. This amounts to a green light that encourages the terrorist settlers to “keep up the good work.”

Expect the worse

Today, the Israeli government is using these genocidal fanatics to murder and terrorize unarmed and unprotected Palestinians for the purpose of driving them away from their homeland.

The criminal settlers pray for a miracle to empty the land of its indigenous inhabitants, the Palestinians. They invoke the 1948-Nakba, saying “if we did it once, we could do it again.”

This is why these evil people are willing and ready to embark on the unthinkable, including carrying out a Srebrenica-like massacre of Palestinian villagers.

The settlers believe they could do such heinous act with minimal or no impunity. They cite Jewish domination of the American government and Congress as well as the settlers’ domination within the Israeli army.

Yes, they could embark on the unthinkable. Don’t say “we didn’t know.” (T/P3/R01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

*Khalid Amayreh is a veteran journalist and political commentator living in occupied Palestine.


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