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Bahrain Celebrates Night of the Destiny Ceremony on Friday

muhadjir - Thursday, 30 June 2016 - 02:21 WIB

Thursday, 30 June 2016 - 02:21 WIB

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Muslims Observe Lailat al-Qadr, the Night of Power.

Manama, 24 Ramadan 1437/30 June 2016 (MINA) – Bahrain will celebrate the Night of Destiny – Laylat al-Qadr – on Friday evening at the Al-Fateh Islamic Centre mosque in Manama, BNA reported.

The Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Ministry will organize the annual ceremony after Taraweeh prayers under the patronage of Supreme Islamic Affairs Council (SIAC) President Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalid Al-Khalifa.

Undersecretary for Islamic Affairs Dr. Fareed bin Yacoub Al-Meftah stressed the great religious significance of Laylat al-Qadr – the night when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic Prophet Mohammad.

He underlined the importance of drawing lessons from the annual spiritual night which inspires tolerance, peace, amity, moderation and fraternity. Dr. Al-Meftah paid tribute to the wise leadership for advocating moderation, national unity, civilized dialogue and peaceful co-existence in a closely-knit society.

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Muslims were reminded to increase their taqwa (piety) to Allah SWT in the month of Ramadhan, especially to reap the benefits of Lailatul Qadr.

Lailatul Qadr wasn’t granted to any other ummah (community) except for Prophet Muhammad SAW’s ummah.

This was because the previous ummah were granted long lives that allowed them more time to perform acts of worship. (T/R07/R01)

Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)

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