Jerusalem, MINA – Despite strict interception by Israeli Occupation Police, as 500 Palestinian Muslims successfully broke through barriers for Friday prayers in congregation at the courtyard of Aqsa Mosque.
Under the pretext of preventing coronavirus spread, the security tightened guardian at Al-aqsa entrance gate and tried to prevent thousands of other Palestinians, in Old City, Jerusalem from praying at Aqsa Mosque.
Local source, Felesteen Online reported beside erecting the barrier at entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem, to prevent the entry of large numbers of Palestinians Muslims from outside the City, the police also triggered a confrontation by launching tear gas.
Islamic Waqf Department in Jerusalem said only 500 people could offer Friday prayers at the courtyard of Aqsa Mosque.The room inside Aqsa mosque was temporary closed for the sterilization from the virus, so worshipers were provided in the courtyard.
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According to witnesses, Israeli Police took strong step around the Old City and the Gates Aqsa Mosque before friday prayers and claimed they were to prevent spread of coronavirus.
Hundreds of other Muslims who were blocked from entering the Aqsa area, were forced to friday prayers at in front of the three gates, namely Al Hittah, Al-Majlis and Al-Silsilah.
The reduce number of friday prayers is also due to a suggestion from Islamic Waqf Department in Jerusalem to ask Palestinians to obey instructions issued by Palestinians health Authority and to take steps to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
The pilgrims present prepared each with a mask, prayer rug, and mosque caretaker assisted by Murabithun Volunteers to provide hand sanitizer before occupying the prayer hall.
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In the midst of this deterrence, a few days a go, dozens of Yahudi settlers were still allowed to enter the Aqsa area with a ritual Talmud agenda at Wailing Wall with escorts from a number of police officer. (T/R7/RE1)
Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)
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