Jakarta, 7 Jumadil Akhir 1434/16 April 2013 (MINA) – An American analyst, Norman Finkelstein in his statement that been received by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA) here said US President Barack Obama’s official visit will make no difference to achieve peace in Palestine.

      “There is nothing to understand because he isn’t trying to achieve anything, Obama went to Israel as a photo-op, so rich Jewish donors will continue to fill the coffers of the Democratic Party,” Norman said.

       Right after Israeli attack on Gaza last year, Norman had predicted that there would be a reconciliation. Norman wrote, “Still, aspiring to be the US’ chief regional partner, and calculating that the road to Washington passes through Tel Aviv, Turkey has resumed negotiations with Israel to end the diplomatic impasse after Israel killed eight Turks aboard a humanitarian vessel headed for Gaza in 2010.”

      On the other hand, its recent operation has brought home to Israel that alienating both its historic allies in the region, Egypt and Turkey, is not prudent policy, so a face-saving reconciliation between Ankara and Tel Aviv is probably in the offing.

      Arab League also criticized U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to the region, that it has no vision for establishment of a Palestinian state on the borders of June 1967 as expected. “Arabs and Palestinians were expecting President Obama to adopt establishment of a Palestinian state project, which did not happen” said Mohammed Sobeih, Arab League Assistant Secretary-General for Palestine Affairs.

      Obama made a trip on the region on March 22-24 to talks about Israel-Palestinian conflict, Iran’s nukes and Syrian war. (T/P01/E1).

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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