Al-Qassam: 70 Percent of Israeli Troops Withdraw from North Gaza

Gaza, MINA – A leadership source in the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, said that 70 percent of Israeli occupation forces withdrew from the northern Gaza Strip due to the failure of their operations and resistance attacks.

He added in an interview with the satellite channel Al Jazeera on Sunday evening, the withdrawal from the northern Gaza Strip began slowly and was accelerated by resistance attacks in the last two days.

He pointed out that ground operations are currently concentrated in the southern Gaza Strip, coinciding with limited maneuver operations in the north.

Last Friday morning, a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip ended, concluded with Qatari-Egyptian mediation, and lasting 7 days, during which prisoners were exchanged and humanitarian aid was brought to the Gaza Strip, which is inhabited by around 2.3 million Palestinians.

Since October 7, the Israeli occupation, with the support of the United States, has waged a devastating war in the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in massive infrastructure damage and tens of thousands of civilian casualties, most of whom are children and women.

The conditions represent an unprecedented humanitarian disaster, according to official Palestinian and UN sources. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)