Palestinian Woman Dies from Injuries Sustained During Detention by Israel

Gaza, MINA – Israel is responsible for the death of former Palestinian prisoner Wafaa Jarrar following her release from detention, the Popular Resistance Committees said yesterday, MEMO reported.

In a statement the PRC said Jarrar “lived a life of sacrifice and dedication, never yielding to the Israeli entity or its oppressive measures. She dedicated her life to defending our people’s issues, especially the cause of the prisoners in the enemy’s prisons, carrying the concerns of our people and defending their cause.”

They stressed that “the martyrdom of Jarrar brings attention to the suffering of our heroic prisoners, especially the wounded and sick, who are held in prisons like Sde Teiman. These prisoners endure various forms of criminal practices, torture and killing, as ordered by the Israeli far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.”

Palestinians, they added, must confront the crimes of the Israeli enemy.

Israel released Wafa on 31 May after a surgery to amputate her legs, which had been injured during her arrest on 21 May.

She was the wife of Abdul Jabbar Jarrar, 58, who has been held under administrative detention – without charge or trial – since February. She leaves behind four children. (T/R3/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)