Woman Injured Seriously by Settlers in Hebron

       Hebron, 28 Muharram 1434/12 December 2012 (MINA) – A Palestinian woman was attacked and seriously injured on Monday when Israeli settlers from the Settlement of  Efrat, north of Hebron, hurled stones at her car, according to witnesses.

      Woman’s husband, Ra’ed Brathe’ya, said that a number of settlers hurled stones at his wife while she was driving her car, breaking the windows and injuring her, according to WAFA Palestinian news agency report received by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA), Wednesday.

     She was transferred to Hebron hospital where medical sources said that her condition is critical as she was injured in her eye and head.

       Cartographer and settlement expert Abdul Hadi Hantash said that settlers’ have escalated their attacks against Palestinians to express hatred towards them and disapproval of the United Nations vote and recognition.  (T/R-010/R-006)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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