Bandar Seri Begawan, MINA – Two hafidz (memorizers of the Quran) from Indonesia won the championship in the Musabaqah Memhafaz Al-Qur’an and its Understanding (MHQ) event in Brunei Darussalam.
First, Muhammad Bagus Ma’shum who won first place in the men’s 30 juz memorization branch. Second, Rahmiyatul Khairat who won third place in the women’s 10 juz memorization branch.
As quoted from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion website on Sunday, the MHQ event was held on the 14th and 15th of Ramadhan or to coincide with 5-6 April 2023. This activity was attended by delegates from countries that are members of the MABIMS (Ministers of Religion of Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia , and Singapore).
“Alhamdulillah, it coincided with the 17th night of Ramadhan, it was announced that two Indonesian hafidz could present champions in this MHQ event,” said the Head of the Ministry of Religion’s Foreign Cooperation Section Khoirul Huda Basyir who accompanied the hafidz, in Brunei.
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Khoirul Huda said that this achievement is proof that the development of hafidz and hafidzah in Indonesia has been going well.
“Thank God, Indonesian Quran memorizers can compete at the international level. We hope that these achievements can also be a blessing for Indonesia,” he said.
Previously, Muhammad Bagus Ma’shum had also made achievements at the 2022 National Level Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an (MTQ) event in Banjarmasin. He, who at that time was a delegate from Tuban Regency, East Java, won first place in the Men’s Al-Quran Interpretation branch.
Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Rahmiyatul Khairat also managed to make achievements. The girl from Medan who is listed as a student of Ma’had Tahfizhil Daarut Taufiq won second place in the Tahfizh 10 Juz Putri branch. (T/RE1)
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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)