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The Peak of Return Flow for Eid Holiday Predicted on Sunday and Monday

sajadi - Saturday, 13 April 2024 - 12:51 WIB

Saturday, 13 April 2024 - 12:51 WIB


Jakarta, MINA – The peak of the return flow for Eid Holiday is predicted to occur on Sunday and Monday. Travelers are advised to go home early or postpone their departure schedule.

“(The peak of the return flow) will be Sunday and Monday,” predicted the Head of the National Police’s Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas), Inspector General Aan Suhanan on Friday, as reported by CNN Indonesia.

Aan suggested that travelers return from their hometowns on Saturday to avoid traffic jams. Another solution is to delay returning. Homecomers can postpone their return home until Wednesday.

“We also urge (homecomers) to postpone returning after 17 (April), 18, 19. Toll roads also provide discounts on 17 (April), 18 and 19,” said Aan.

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“Take advantage of it (toll rate discounts) so that not everyone (returns) at peak traffic. Please allow ministries, institutions, the private sector, which may be able to work from home, work from home (WFH), this can be implemented,” continued Aan.

On the other hand, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has proposed a work from home aka WFH policy to President Joko Widodo. This option was taken to break up the density of vehicle traffic during the return flow for Eid 2024

Budi said that WFH was proposed to take effect on Tuesday and Wednesday. The hope is that this can divide the workers’ departure back to Jakarta at the same time.

“Yesterday I had a meeting with Jasamarga, indeed the return (eid return flow) will increase compared to the departure (homecoming). But I said, this needs to be anticipated to prevent bad impacts,” said Budi on Friday.

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“So far, we have had a lot of holidays, if Indonesia only has holidays it won’t be productive, but this is the President’s (Jokowi) prerogative to straighten out this WFH recommendation,” added Budi regarding the certainty of WFH.

Minister of Transportation Budi hopes that the WFH proposal can be approved by President Jokowi. Moreover, this was taken based on an agreement with the Coordinating Minister for Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy and the National Police’s Head of Traffic Corps, Inspector General Aan Suhanan.

However, Budi did not promise that the work from home proposal would be approved. Therefore, he continues to urge homecoming travelers to return early before the peak of the homecoming flow.

“There are no promises the day after tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday, because it will likely be busy, especially on land routes. I recommend that you return home tomorrow (Saturday), not Sunday or Monday,” stressed Budi. (T/RE1/P2)

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Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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