(Source: MEMO)
Ramallah, 16 Jumadil Akhir 1435/16 April 2014 (MINA) – Continuing the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks will achieve nothing because Israel insists on depriving the Palestinians from their rights and land, General Tawfiq Tirawi, a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, said.

Tirawi’s remarks came during a ceremony to mark the assassination of former Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) leader Khalil Al-Wazir organised in Al-Quds University, Hebron, Middle East Monitor (MEMO) quoted by Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA).

Tirawi said Israel arrests Palestinians daily, expands its settlement projects and confiscates their land, making the two-state solution impossible. “Israel breached all international agreements which reveal its real intention that it does not want peace,” Tirawi explained.

The official said there will be no peace without the liberation of all Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails, the return of all refugees to their homes and establishing the Palestinian state with its capital in Jerusalem.

Tirawi paid tribute to all prisoners in Israeli jails saying: “The Palestinian leadership’s unchanging position about the prisoners forced Israel several times to release a number of them, but there will be no peace without releasing all the prisoners from Israeli prisons.”

Meanwhile, Salah Bardawil, the prominent leader in Hamas movement said  that the Palestinian people will not allow negotiators to waive rights and constants.

Bardawil said in an event to support Alaqsa mosque, in front of the municipality of Khan Younis Monday, the approach of negotiations has failed , and PA as well as Arab leaders to contribute to the Palestinian cause.

He explained that the negotiations have brought more settlement and Judaization to Jerusalem.

Bardawil stated that  Israeli frequent  aggressions against occupied city of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque  will result in a third intifada.

Hamas leader stressed that Jerusalem is a part of our faith and our souls , and we will not allow our rights to be waived.(T/P02/P04)


Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)


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