PPS: 15 Palestinians Arrested by Israeli Forces in West Bank

Ramallah, MINA – Israeli occupation forces detained at least 15 Palestinians since yesterday evening across the occupied West Bank, including journalist Sami al-Shami, according to the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS), Wafa reports.

PPS said in a statement that the arrests took place across various West Bank governorates, including Hebron, Nablus, Jericho, Jenin, and Ramallah.

Simultaneously, the statement added, Israeli occupation forces continue to carry out widespread acts of harassment, brutal assaults, and threats against the detainees and their families. There have also been reports of extensive vandalism and destruction of homes by Israeli soldiers.

The organization reported that the total number of Palestinians arrested since October 7th of last year has reached approximately 7,225. This includes individuals arrested from their homes, at military checkpoints, those who turned themselves in under pressure, and individuals taken as hostages. (T/RE1/P2)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)