Palestinians Celebrate International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian People

By: M Shaaban, MINA’s Contributor in Gaza, Palestine

Gaza, MINA – Monday, marks the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which was designated by the United Nations General Assembly on the twenty-ninth of November of each year for solidarity with the Palestinian people, which coincides with Partition Resolution No. (181).

The United Nations General Assembly approved the selection of November 29 to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, as a reminder of the moral and legal responsibility of the whole world to implement justice for the Palestinian people. They have so far been denied from the establishment of their independent state and the return of their refugees to their original homelands  according to resolutions of international legitimacy.

This day coincides with the anniversary of the partition resolution issued by the United Nations and approved by the General Assembly in 1947, which divided Palestine into two states, “Israel” and Palestine, under which only “Israel” was established.

United Nations Resolution 194 of 1948 states that Palestinian refugees who wish to return to their homes should be allowed to return to their homes, and those who decide not to return should be compensated.

Various solidarity activities are launched from the occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, the occupied territories and the diaspora coinciding with this day, as many movements, parties, unions, civil society organizations and universities celebrate this day through various activities; Including scientific conferences, protests, solidarity seminars, and others. Many Arab and foreign peoples also commemorate this day of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

It is noteworthy that global popular solidarity has risen to its best since the establishment of the Israeli occupation, and was manifested last May after the displacement of Sheikh Jarrah residents and then the war on Gaza, in which the solidarity with the Palestinian people from various cities and capitals of the world has been highly increased. (AK-K-G/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)