West Bank, 7 Rabi’ul Akhir 1434 H/16 February 2013 (MINA)-Palestinian  land owners along with leaders of the Catholic monasteries provided resistance against the construction of the separation wall in the Cremisan area, West Bank in an Israeli court on Wednesday (13/2) .
      Nicole Johnston, a journalist of Al Jaazera reported from a court in Israel that the Palestinians and the priars reveal the ownership legal data of owner of the land in which Israel want to displace it because they want to build a wall separating their area with the outside world.
     The court scheduled hearing final arguments from the owners of the land to the construction of the separation wall in the West Bank land, according Al Jazeera reports monitored by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA), Saturday..
     The Lawyer who represented Palestinian and Catholic monk landowners says that if the wall is built they would lose their land and the monastery surrounded by walls and it would isolate them with the outside world.
     Ordinary Assembly of Catholic Jerusalem condemned the construction plan of the wall which would separated Cremisan area into two parts. The confiscation order of land was issued by the Israeli which covers 58 Christian families of Walaja village of Beit Jala whose livelihood depend on the land.
     Local people are also threatened of losing their farm lands and the great recreation that become important source for residents and farmers.
     Cremisan is a green area that become the main fresh air production for the people of Bethlehem. In addition  450 children will go to Salesian School like entering a prison because it is surrounded by walls, military checks and check-points made by Israeli government.
     On July 9, 2004, the International Court of Justice has stated that the construction of the separation wall is illegal because it is an area of international law. Church Board of Trustees also have the same attitude. We therefore instruct the Society of St. Yves to notify the case to the International Court.
     The wall construction plan will put pressure on Christians residents in Bethlehem. Without any family income and the future for their children, it will make them leave the Holy Land as their homeland.
     The Catholic Ordinaries deny the existence of an agreement between the Vatican, the local church and the government of Israel regarding the construction of the illegal wall. Therefore they condemmed Israel over the wall construction. (T/P04/E1)

Also Read:  Palestine FM Slams Israel Premier for ‘Hindering Peace’

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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