Palestinian Calls For Boycotting Israeli Courts

Photo: PIC

Ramallah, 29 Jumadil Awwal 1438/27 February 2017 (MINA) – Detainees and Ex-detainees Committee along with Palestinian Prisoner Society called for boycotting Israeli courts and charged them with extremism and racism in relation to the issue of Palestinian prisoners.

This came in a press conference held on Sunday in Ramallah with the presence of the wife of Palestinian prisoner Nael al-Barghouthi and father of martyr Abdul Fattah al-Sharif, the Palestinian Information Center (PIC) reported.
Head of the detainees committee Issa Qaraqe said the Israeli court which gave soldier Elor Azaria who killed Sahrif a light sentence and applied the same old life sentence against prisoner Barghouthi reflects the racist policy of Israeli military courts.

Head of Palestinian Prisoner Society, Qadoura Fares, announced launching an initiative that aims at working out a Palestinian national strategy to deal with the issue of Palestinian detainees.

He called on the national committee to follow up the file of International Criminal Court (ICC) in order to table certain cases with the ICC.

Statements were delivered by both the father of martyr Sharif and wife of captive Barghouthi who called for holding Israeli leaders to account for their crimes against Palestinian prisoners especially the ex-detainees who were released in prisoner swap deals.(T/R04/P02)
Mi’raj Islamic News Agency (MINA)