Bethlehem, 25 Rabiul Akhir 1434/7 March 2013 (MINA) – The Palestinian government decided to form a committee to register their possession of cultural sites to UNESCO, according to Ma’an news agency reports monitored by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA), Thursday.
       It was said by Omar Awadallah, the head of the Palestinian Foreign Ministry on Tuesday (5/3). He said that the aim of the committee is to prepare a cultural heritage sites that exist in Palestinian territories to be recognized and protected from the threat of an Israeli attack.
       “Israel is trying to destroy our historical sites, especially those around the Al-Aqsa. International community should know this cases and should be protected them from destruction by Israel’s atrocities, “he said.
       “Each ministry has been asked to prepare their data to be registered to UNESCO committee,” he added.
       Awadallah gave an example of the ministry of culture. The department would present the Palestinians community site which has been doing in every the month of Ramadan.
       The sites that being registered are not only an objects or places. But it can be a custom or habit that has been doing by the community.
        Palestinian Culture Ministry also planned to register the shore of the Dead Sea in the West Bank  area. It is actually still included in the Palestinians area. But Israel is controlling the sites right now.

In January 2013 ago, the ministry of culture has also been registered the Battir village, Bethlehem as the site belongs to the cultural heritage of Palestine. In the places, there are many Islamic cultural heritage relics of past empires. But now, the place is negleted after being in the grip of Israel.
       The Battir village currently has a population about 4,500 people. The village has an ancient irrigation system of the Islamic empire relics of the past that have given to the public water supply for agriculture and the needs of their lives for centuries.
        But Israel is building a wall that separates the villagers from the water sources. The wall also separates them from their fields which are used for livelihood.
        The committee plans to choose the Battir site as the place of UNESCO conference to be held in  the next June 2013.
         In June 2012 ago, UNESCO has established a church in Bethlehem as the site belongs to Palestinians which now being used as a place of Christian pilgrimage. (T/P04/E1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)

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