Washington, 2 Muharram 1435/6 November 2013 (MINA) – Several hundred supporters of the hacktivist group Anonymous marched on Washington Tuesday, demanded the settlement of various issues land of Uncle Sam’s.

     The largely youthful protest was not unified around a single issue or grievance, as demonstrators variously called for more transparent government, the elimination of poverty, an end to war, and increased personal freedoms, among other demands, Anadolu Agency quoted by Mi’raj News Agency (MINA) as reporting.

     “I represent the people. We are all here speaking our own minds because we see a system that is unfair, it’s corrupt, it’s unjust. We are here not to present a beautiful government right now. We are here because we see things that are wrong with this country every single day,” said a protester who wishes to remain anonymous.

     He added, “Our voices are not being heard, they are not being represented by our representatives who we elect to go to Washington.”

     Another protester who withheld his real name said, “I am here for the many people who suffer, the many people who our government can’t afford to take care of, the many people within my own neighborhood, my own block that the government refuses to help.”

      Still, for others, motivations for coming to Washington were deeply personal.

      “I am here today because I am a young adult who graduate high school this year, and I’m already 13 thousand dollars in debt, because of a system that so vastly encourages college students to take out so many loans that they are completely done at such a young age in their life,” said another anonymous protester. 

     Protesters marched from the Washington Monument to the White House and over to the US Capitol. The march was part of a global Million Mask March planned for Guy Fawkes Day, an annual commemoration of an unsuccessful attempt to blow up the British Parliament on November 5, 1605. (T/P09/P04).

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)





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