Jordanian Chamber Calls for Stopping All Transactions with Israel

Amman, MINA – Jordanian Chamber of Commerce Chair Nael Al-Kabariti calls on the private sector to stop all economic transactions with Israel and any country or party that approves or supports Israel’s annexation plan.

Al-Kabariti said on Saturday that “this call is to strengthen and support Jordan’s position in rejecting Israel’s plan to annex occupied Palestinian land.” Quds Press reported.

He added the economic sector must stand together behind the Jordanian leadership’s decision to reject annexation, which is a safety valve to stabilize the rights of the Palestinian people on their land.

Al-Kabariti stressed that the Israeli occupation attempt to implement the annexation decision would damage regional stability.

It was warned by the King of Jordan at every opportunity, based on the historical role of the Hashemites in preserving Palestine and the city of Jerusalem.

He stressed the need to strengthen the internal front to face the arrogance of the Israeli occupation which continuously forced the annexation of Palestinian land.

Al-Kabariti also called on Arab private sector institutions to make the same decision to stop cooperation and commercial transactions with any party supporting the annexation of the Israeli occupation to seize Palestinian land. (T/RE1)

Mi’raj News Agency (MINA)